Our v3 API is now available! Learn more by visiting the v3 developer portal.

Individual Email Campaign

Use this endpoint to retrieve (GET), update (PUT), or DELETE an existing email marketing campaign. To create a new email campaign message, use the POST method for the Email Campaign Collection API.


Click a method to view its documentation



Privileges required: contacts:lists:write

PUT: Update the name, status of the ContactList specified by the listId path parameter. Performing a PUT overwrites all existing properties for the contactlist resource; any properties left blank or not included in the call will delete those property values prior to the call.


Privileges required: mylibrary:folder:update

Use PUT to modify the following properties for a folder specified by folderId path parameter:

  • update the folder's name
  • change the folder's location in the directory structure by changing it's parent_id
    To move a folder to level 1 in the directory structure, set the parent_id to 0


Privileges required: mylibrary:file:update

Use a PUT call to update the following for a file (specified using the fileId path parameter):

  • Update the name
  • Update the description
  • Move a file to another folder, using folder_id to specify the destination folder.


Privileges required: campaign:write

Update an existing event by using the eventId path parameter. 


Privileges required: campaign:write

Update an existing event item; specify the event and the item using the eventId and itemId path parameters.


Privileges required: campaign:write

Update an existing promocode for an event; specify the code and event using the eventId and promocodeId path parameters.


Privileges required: campaign:write

Update an existing fee (specify using feeId) for an event specified by eventId.


Privileges required: campaign:write

Update an existing item attribute by specifying the eventId, itemId, and attributeId path parameters. Include the attribute name and description in the JSON request body. 

NOTE: You cannot change an attribute name once any have been sold to or claimed by event registrants.


Privileges required: campaign:activate

Update the schedule for an email campaign using the scheduleId and campaignId path parameters.


Privileges required: campaign:create

Update an existing email campaign message specified by the campaignId path parameter. For campaigns with a template_type = CUSTOM, all editable fields are available for updating. If template_type = STOCK, the following fields are not available for edit (read-only):

  • text_content
  • email_content
  • style_sheet

These fields can only be updated using the Constant Contact user interface.

NOTE: There are several campaign properties that are optional by default, but become REQUIRED once another property is used. See Structure table below for specific properties.

PUT: https://api.constantcontact.com/v2/emailmarketing/campaigns/{campaignId}

Test API







REQUIRED; The API key for the application



Specifies the email campaign message to modify

Example JSON Request BodyTOP

    "name": "Test Campaign 1351175725",
    "subject": "This Week's Specials",
    "from_name": "My Organization",
    "from_email": "from-email@example.com",
    "reply_to_email": "reply-to-email@example.com",
    "status": "DRAFT",
	"is_permission_reminder_enabled": true,    
	"permission_reminder_text": "Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in MyCompany. Don't forget to add from_email@example.com to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.",
    "is_view_as_webpage_enabled": true,    
	"view_as_web_page_text": "Having trouble viewing this message?",
    "view_as_web_page_link_text": "Click here to view as a Web page",
    "greeting_salutations": "Hello",
    "greeting_name": "FIRST_NAME",
    "greeting_string": "Dear ",
    "email_content": "<html><body><p>This is text of the email message.</p></body></html>",
    "text_content": "This is the text of the email",
    "email_content_format": "HTML",
    "style_sheet": "",
    "message_footer": {
        "organization_name": "Your Organization",
        "address_line_1": "123 Maple Street",
        "address_line_2": "Unit 1",
        "address_line_3": "",
        "city": "Anytown",
        "state": "MA",
        "international_state": "",
        "postal_code": "01444",
        "country": "US",
        "include_forward_email": true,
        "forward_email_link_text": "Forward this message to a friend!",
        "include_subscribe_link": true,
        "subscribe_link_text": "Sign up for our mailing list!"
    "sent_to_contact_lists": [
            "id": "1"

Response CodesTOP




Request successful, email campaign updated


Either JSON was malformed or there was a data validation error


Authentication failure


Unsupported accept header value


Unsupported content-type in the header


Internal server error occurred



type(max length)


Example ResponseTOP

    "name": "Test Campaign 1351175725",
    "subject": "This Week's Specials",
    "from_name": "My Organization",
    "from_email": "from-email@example.com",
    "reply_to_email": "reply-to-email@example.com",
	"campaign_type": "CUSTOM",
    "created_date": "2013-02-18T16:24:09.162Z",
    "modified_date": "2013-02-18T16:24:09.160Z",
    "is_permission_reminder_enabled": true,
	"permission_reminder_text": "Hi, just a reminder that you're receiving this email because you have expressed an interest in MyCompany. Don't forget to add from_email@example.com to your address book so we'll be sure to land in your inbox! You may unsubscribe if you no longer wish to receive our emails.",
    "is_view_as_webpage_enabled": true,
    "view_as_web_page_text": "Having trouble viewing this message?",
    "view_as_web_page_link_text": "Click here to view as a Web page",
    "greeting_salutations": "Hello",
    "greeting_name": "FIRST_NAME",
    "greeting_string": "Dear",
    "email_content": "<html><body><p>This is text of the email message.</p></body></html>",
    "text_content": "This is the text of the email",
    "email_content_format": "HTML",
    "style_sheet": "",
    "message_footer": {
        "organization_name": "Your Organization",
        "address_line_1": "123 Maple Street",
        "address_line_2": "Suite 999",
        "address_line_3": "",
        "city": "Anytown",
        "state": "MA",
        "international_state": "",
        "postal_code": "01444",
        "country": "US",
        "include_forward_email": true,
        "forward_email_link_text": "Forward this message",
        "include_subscribe_link": true,
        "subscribe_link_text": "Subscribe to Our Newsletter!"
    "tracking_summary": {
        "sends": 0,
        "opens": 0,
        "clicks": 0,
        "forwards": 0,
        "unsubscribes": 0,
        "bounces": 0
    "is_visible_in_ui": false,
	"sent_to_contact_lists": [
            "id": "1"